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Arizona Tax Credit List

Arizona Tax Credit Charities

Seeking the Arizona list of charities that have been qualified by the Arizona Dept of Revenue for charitable a donation tax credit?

We reviewed ALL (1300+) certified charities to create a very useful online way to explore each charity:

  • Discover - Easily find charities by what they do
  • Preview - Mission descriptions, who's served, what's provided
  • Access - Charity websites links and IRS 990 filings
  • Donate - Directly within the charity's web site
  • Free - For all (users and charities)

Our goal is to make it less daunting to research thousands of eligible charities from just starting with list of Charity names and addresses. Please give our interactive online version of the QCO/QFCO lists a try...

Click below to start

Alternatively, for the AZDOR downloadable PDF files
(table lists of each charity's code, name, and address only) Click Here