Arizona Non-Profit Organizations
AZTAXCREDITLIST.COM is the best way to review "qualified" Arizona non-profit charities. The Arizona Dept of Revenue publishes a list of qualified charitable organizations. Each of the 1000+ charities were reviewed to create a descriptive preview of what that charity does and for whom. A convenient web link to the non-profit’s website is provided, along with very useful ways to explore which charities are supporting what interests.
Different ways you can search and filter for approved non-profit organizations:
- Organization Name – Dynamically displays results as you type...
- Cities – Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff, ...
- Serves – Babies, Children, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Seniors, Families
- Supports – People who are Homeless, Low Income, have Cancer, are Victims of Domestic Violence/Abuse, ...
- Provides – Shelter, Housing, Food, Education, Baby Supplies, Job Aid, ...
QCOs are qualified charitable and QFCO are qualified foster care charitable organizations. Financial donations to these qualified non-profits are eligible for an individual or joint filer tax credit, subject to an annual allowable limit that is adjusted each year for inflation.